Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What if life isn't just feelings?

What if life is more than feelings?
What if wounds heal with more than just time?
What if love is a verb and not a thought?
What if feeling is action and words are proved?
What if life is more than feelings?
What if love is more than flowers and dates?
What if relationships are based on more than "in the moment"?
What if our hearts felt less and did more?
What if we shut up our brains and we looked for truth?
What if we knew more than we felt?
What if were able to see beyond temporary things?
What if just one second could not throw us into a rage?

How many times do we base our lives and our decisions on how we feel? How often do we take the temporary things and make life long decisions from their influence? How often do we give up on love and happiness because in one moment we were feeling mad or controlled or irritated? How many times do we forget all the good that a person did for us in the split second that they make us upset?

How many times do our words run rampant because we are feeling poorly one day?

If I had based my relationship on my frustration that I was only getting one word texts, I would have missed out on my wonderful future. If I base everything off of my feelings, where does that get me? No where.

Patience and grace is required in dealing with human beings. Patience because your feelings in the moment may not actually be what is going on.

Every time that someone is upset with something, the first thing I say is, "Take a breath. Just breathe."

You have to breathe... You have to take a mental step back and think about the situation. Are you reacting from your feelings or something that is legitimately a problem?

If it is actually a problem, then you need to look at the situation and see if it is something that can be worked through and worked on. Obviously if someone is being abusive, that is not a situation that you have to put yourself through. But if you are upset about something that can be worked on, please have the decency to give grace. Don't fly off the handle just because you are upset for something that can be fixed. If it isn't worked on, then make a decision from there. But also know that change doesn't happen immediately. If you see effort, forgive.

"A relationship's foundation is based on two things: trust and forgiveness."

Love is more than feeling. Love is more than just what you are feeling in the moment, whether it is good or bad, love is not a feeling.

Love is something you must work out every single day. It is a verb, a choice, an action.

Love is something that you do, not something that you feel.

Don't give up prematurely on someone or something just because you aren't "feeling it" anymore.


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