Friday, May 16, 2014

Bluntly honest and sometimes rude...

Okay so today, I took a quiz. "Which Disney princess is mostly likely to be your best friend?"

And you know the results?

"We are sorry we can't find anything based on your answers. Please try again."

So pretty much, I am that person who doesn't have best friends.

Which might be true.

I have very few friends.

Well like actual friends. I know a TON of people. But are we close? No.

My life, who I am is complicated. I am a messy person.

And I have been burned so many times in friendships, I don't waste my time anymore.

I could list on both my hands the amount of people who I am comfortable sharing my life with.


Yeah so maybe only one hand.

And of those people...I have only talked to 3 of them recently. Why? Cause my life is insane. I am insane. And I am in love. Nobody wants to talk to a girl in love. Nobody. Well those 5 people love me enough they wouldn't care. We are just so busy, we don't have time.

Another reason I don't have friends, I am too honest and sometimes that makes me kind of rude. I will straight up tell you how I feel. Not only about my life and the situation but about you and how I feel about you. I am not a nice person sometimes.

Now I can be fake and nice...but we usually aren't going to get along that well if I am fake with you. Actually if I am fake with you, I probably hate you. Again, there goes my honesty mouthing off again.

I have put up with enough crap in my lifetime that I won't tolerate it anymore. If I don't like how you are treating me, bye bye! There is the door, don't let it smack you. Or let it smack you, just make sure it hurts a lot.

See ^^ Rude. Totally rude.

Oh and heaven forbid anyone mess with one of those five people. There will be blood. And lots of it. Lots.

But I am me. And I may not be the most friendly person in the world. But I will always have a smile on my face and I will be loyal no matter what. I might be blunt and honest and rude, but those 5 people know me better than anyone in the world. And I would give my life for them in a second.

I may be prickly, until you get inside.

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