Thursday, April 24, 2014

Just to be...

Maybe you are broken because you have been in the wrong shape for too long. Maybe you are a mess because you can control anything but a mess. Maybe you are only seeing darkness so that you can find light inside you. Maybe you are here in this very moment for one specific reason. To be.

Just simply to be.

To be you.

The broken, messy, screwed up, failure.

You are here just to be you.

Who are you? Right now. In this very moment.

Maybe you are puke covered, baggy eyed, crazy haired mom. Maybe you are scar covered, blood shot eyed, trying to find grace, drug addicted. Maybe you are professional and clean cut, but inside you barely find what it takes to get up every morning. Maybe you are a high school student, covered in too much makeup, trying to figure out how to attract the boys with your short skirt and low cut top. Maybe you are the heartbroken girl who just got dumped and can't seem to eat anything but ice cream and chocolate. Maybe you are just the right person for just the right time, right now. You and just you are enough.

Jesus didn't die for the perfected version of you. He didn't die so that you had to work to gain His love. He loved you BEFORE He died. And you weren't even born.

Why do we put so many rules on God?

Read your Bible everyday. Pray ten minutes at least. Don't sin and when you do, repent until you are blue in the face and never make that mistake again. Don't be angry, upset, depressed, sad, over the top, irritated, messed, a failure. You must have a clean heart and a beautiful life to come to the Lord.

Okay so maybe we don't say these things, but down deep in the heart of every woman these are the lies she battles everyday.

I am not enough. I will never be enough. My efforts will never bring me close enough to God. I am no where near perfect enough, beautiful enough, good enough, for God to love me and want me.

I must work harder and be more for Him to love me.

But take a breath my dear.

You in your mess are enough. You in your failure are enough. You that can't be victorious in every area everyday are enough. You are enough. Just you. All of you. Only you. Not you plus your works. Not you plus your victory. Just you.

Once we come to God with just us, He can mold us.

Maybe we are broken for a reason. Maybe God wants that brokenness so that He can remake us into a better shape than we were before. But if we run from Him, not believing that He loves our brokenness, we will never be healed properly.

Maybe you try to control everything in your life and the only way that you will give up control is by having everything a mess. Maybe God is trying to pry your life out of your hands and allow you the rest and peace to let Him handle it.

Maybe you are trying to find light in everything except the One thing that gives lasting light. Maybe everything is being stripped away and becoming messy so that you look for the light from the only one who can light even the darkest parts of us.

You are here to just be. Let God do the work in you. Don't try to work and change yourself so that you can come to Him. Take your broken mess and lay it at His feet. Just sit there and enjoy being able to be 100% fully yourself with our Lover. And trust me, He will take care of your mess. He will heal your brokenness. He will give you light. He will take over everything for you. He will help you become a better version of yourself. You just have to stop trying to do it before you come to God.

You are enough for Him. He loves you just as you are.

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