Friday, February 14, 2014

Make it special...

Today is such a cliche today and this is such a cliche post.

Valentine's day.

All the single people moan and all the taken people get their hopes up way too high. People spend a lot of money to show their loved ones that they care.

And I know that this has been said for a long time really is the thought that counts today.

At least for me. I know that some people measure your love based on the money that you spend but not me. Not at all.

For me it really is the thought that counts.

It is the sweet handmade card that is your favorite color. It is a small bag of your favorite candy. It is a foot massage and a bath prepared just for you. It is simple post on Facebook saying "I have the most beautiful girl." It is the little things that mean the most today and everyday. It is the heartfelt thoughtful things, small as they are, that mean the most. It is knowing that someone loves you and cares enough about you to pay attention to small details about you.

It is the dance under the stars, the sticky note on the bathroom mirror, the single rose on her pillow when she awakes, it is washing his car for him. It is leaving a Valentine's around the house for them to find during the year. It is the small things that mean absolutely more than a fancy dinner and a $300 diamond bracelet.

So instead of going broke one day a year, how about lets spend our hearts on our loves everyday of the year.

Cause lets be honest, Valentine's Day can be really disappointing if you aren't loving enough the other 364 days a year.

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