Friday, January 9, 2015

One month down... Many to go...

I have been married a month. A month!! Can you believe it? I am still shocked sometimes when I wake up and I am in bed with a man. So far though I haven't hit him or anything crazy out of sleep madness. 

In the month that we have been married we have spent half of it apart from each other. Literally half of it he was gone. Almost a week of it we didn't have electricity. We had to pay our first month rent, which in Hawaii is like a down payment for a car. We went from living on an air mattress to buying a bed and a couch. We spent only half of our first week together, and the time we did spend together was comprised of mostly me crying and acting like an emotional train wreck. Still surprised he didn't say screw it I don't want te be married after those first 5 days together...

But despite all the hardship... It is wonderful. I think I have fallen more in love with him in this last month than I have ever before...and let me tell you, I loved him a lot before. It hasn't been easy, there is a lot to get used to for sure... And sometimes I just don't understand men.

Like the one time that I went grocery shopping to make him and his friend dinner and came back to my entire pot of coffee I had made earlier that day being thrown out.

HE THREW OUT MY ENTIRE POT OF COFFEE!!! WHO THROWS OUT COFFEE!? The whole pot, totally gone. I was so excited to come home and drink my coffee cause it would have been room temp and I was going to make iced coffee....and he threw it out. All of it. I was super annoyed....
And then I realized that I bought him bacon at the store because it is his favorite. And butterscotch pudding, another favorite. Only to be repaid by all of my coffee being dumped down the drain. The WHOLE POT was wasted!!! All because they wanted hot water to make hot chocolate with. I almost hit him with the bacon that time.

Then when he was making the bacon a few mornings after that, he goes to save the bacon grease in a COFFEE MUG!! We have only 4 coffee mugs....and he puts the bacon grease in one of them. Forget the fact that, you know, we have like ten million tupperware containers sitting right underneath him.

Not only does he throw out my coffee, now he wants to make my coffee taste like BACON!! Oh heck no, not happening!

And then there is the little finding the measuring cups with the spices instead of in a cabinet, or asking for a roll of paper towels and he just wanders around because I had put them away. Or the way that he doesn't eat the pineapple off of the peel because there are "pokey" things on the other side. Or how he washes dishes with the water running so there is no hot water to rinse with...

Men are confusing. I literally don't understand them 90% of the time. I just sit there and go, umm, why are you doing that? How is that logical?

But then there are the times that he thinks ahead and surprises me.

Like making me breakfast in bed after a fight the night before. Or how he got out of bed to do the dishes because he was leaving the next day and didn't want me to get overwhelmed. Or the time that he bought me ice cream in my favorite flavor and even bought an ice cream scoop to use!

All in all, this has been a crazy month. Lots of learning to communicate. And learning to control the urge to smack him with bacon. Or a frying pan. Or just in general.

Learning how to let someone take care of me. And learning to not stress about the money. Learning to shop with a compulsive buyer without getting annoyed. Learning how to build him up and make him feel like the best husband in the world. Because he truly is. The love that he gives to me even after I am annoyed and mad all day, the tender care he shows to me...all makes my heart melt. The way he takes care of me, the way that he loves me unconditionally and refuses to even think about leaving. The way that he quiets my fears and puts my heart at ease...
I couldn't ask for better.

This is a hard life. Not for the weak of heart.
But it is a good and satisfying life. It is a life that I absolutely love living.

For the first time, I love my life with a greater passion than I have ever felt.

So here is to our first crazy hectic month, and here is to many more. I love you babe!

Love, Mrs. K

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