I am trying to plan a wedding. Oh yeah, isn't it stressful?? Hahahahahahahahahaha....haha...hahaha...ha...
Stressed isn't even a big enough word to describe how I am feeling right now.
I need help. But I don't know how to tell people that they can help.
What am I supposed to say?
Oh yeah, you can call the Navy and get me a date for Cody's leave.
Please call the venue and reserve all the open nights in October just in case.
Pull money out of the sky to pay for things.
Get a dress and get all the fittings done in time.
Figure out what is "in time."
Text all the groomsmen and get them to rent black suits.
Figure out a rehearsal dinner.
Find a minister.
Figure out how to get my car to Hawaii.
Pack and clean out my room to move to Hawaii.
Cancel my storage unit.
Move crap back into my parent's house.
Get rid of crap from my parent's house.
Find an apartment in Hawaii for us to move into.
Call my doctor for birth control.
Set up our honeymoon.
Find us a flight back to Hawaii.
Figure out food for our reception.
Find us a person to do the music and run sound.
I need about 10 people to help with food and set up and tear down on a weekday.
I need to get his ring.
I need to get a playlist for the night and get all the music for it.
I need to get my iPod fixed.
I need to find red shoes.
Okay you get the picture... There isn't a whole lot that you can do. I need big things right now. I have all the details of the wedding on my plate, and I am freaking out. I have about a month to plan. And I am stressed. Very stressed.
How do you enjoy the moment when your brain won't shut down? How do you keep that happy glow when you wake up at 5 every morning and can't go back to sleep because your brain started rolling away without you?
How do you breathe when you can't see the sun because you have too many buildings in front of you??
How do you see beauty when life is going a million miles an hour??
I need to breathe!